Monthly Archives: March 2022

Leadup to the 2022 Russia-Ukraine war

I began collecting these headlines not long after Joe Biden began expressing apprehensions about Putin’s intentions in Ukraine.  I wanted to document the lead-up to whatever it might be that might happen.  I avoided pieces that appeared to be mere speculation or he-said-she-said.  Once the war itself began, I quit; the war itself will be adequately documented.

Yahoo! News links are not immortal; so whenever possible, I have linked to the source.

Continue reading Leadup to the 2022 Russia-Ukraine war

Why racism no longer matters to me

The last straw for certain things came with a Baltimore Sun front page banner headline:

Skepticism, despair as killings continue
Residents question city response; Four day death toll stands at 12.

I anticipate no response from Julia CravenJenee Desmond-HarrisTa-Nehisi CoatesStacey Patton, or Brittney Cooper.[*]

What was the last straw?

In short, it’s time for me to stop concerning myself with racism and race.

Continue reading Why racism no longer matters to me

Life course persistent offenders, …

… also known as psychopaths.

These individuals account for 1% of the general population, 25% of the prison population, and 50% of all crime.  Put differently, 10% of the population commit 90% of the crime; but this one tenth of the criminals, commit five times as much crime.

Related:  Loving the psychopath

Heather Weeden

Continue reading Life course persistent offenders, …