Monthly Archives: June 2016

o Special needs coming soon

☺Please donate!☺

I have two specific needs coming up very, very soon.

For the past month, I have relied upon certain resources to cover the rent at the shelter, $21/week.  These are about to run out, possibly as soon as next week.  The happiest outcome would be if someone could find it possible to cover this on an ongoing basis.

Second, my state ID comes up for renewal at the end of August.  I must do this online.  It will cost me $24 for an eight-year renewal.  A donation of $25 should take care of this.

I am most grateful to all those who would like to help out, even if, in the real world, they can’t.  Also grateful to those who can.  God bless y’all real good!

* There can be no dialogue with toxic speech.

Debate opposing views, don’t label them hate: Column

Over the weekend, I very nearly un-Friended a church member on Facebook.

This woman is a pillar of the congregation, exceptionally gifted, and holds several important offices.  But she frequents certain web sites that spew forth racial hatred, and she Likes certain items, and they show up in my Timeline.  I will never voluntarily expose myself to such material.  (Related:  Change your diet.)  There can be no dialogue with it:  even to take it seriously is poisonous to my soul.

The First Amendment will not protect me from it.  On the contrary, hate speech is normally protected.  As are lies.  As is verbal bullying.  And heckling.

One can choose, however, what one pays attention to.

Milo Yiannopoulos is a troll.

As likewise are Ann Coulter and Joan Walsh.

There may be no lawful way to silence them, but those persons and organizations (such as Young Republicans) who sponsor them, hire them, and give them gratuitous platforms, may be persuaded that the nation deserves better.

Reblogged 2023-12-07.

* Scandalous words

These words will scandalize some readers.

Sometime in the future, I will no doubt discuss the same ideas in a more well-ordered way.  But I think I need to produce some expression now.

Jesus never called upon his followers to “change the world.”  Jesus never confronted injustice, oppression, slavery or “the system.”

He had opportunities to do so.

Continue reading * Scandalous words

* “Maybe Old Teachers Don’t Stink”

Maybe Old Teachers Don’t Stink

I have come across numerous references in recent months, to the effect that poor and nonwhite students are highly disadvantaged by the inexperience of most of the teachers in their schools.

Teachers who have short careers in the field are often those who aren’t cut out for this work in the first place.  But, however it happens, such persons wind up being concentrated in schools poor and nonwhite students attend.

We need to find a way to fix this.

Reblogged 2023-11-16.

* Job search diary 06/01/16 – 06/07/16

WEDNESDAY 2016-06-02
Aside: Re: Housing
Tuesday, my therapist asked me what I see as the greatest obstacle to employment. Answer: Housing. If I had my own place, I could work any hours, any shift; would be able to conduct job search until 5 pm daily, whereas I must appear at the shelter at 2:30; etc.
Wednesday, I met with a woman who comes to the shelter once a week; she comes from some City agency and tries to get guys hooked up with various resources, including housing. She said that, with only one exception, every housing facility she knows of requires that an applicant be either elderly (62 or older; I’m 60.), disabled, or both. She is to touch base with that one exception she knows of, and see if I might can get in there.

Continue reading * Job search diary 06/01/16 – 06/07/16