Tag Archives: Anti-racism

Don’t mess with the Easter bunny …

Don’t mess with the Easter bunny …Anarchy in the streetsWhy Trump is winningThe stewardess took her shoes off and ranReturn of the drama queenAnd if he’d been white?

Continue reading Don’t mess with the Easter bunny …

Wolves in sheep’s clothing

I am at a difficult juncture.

My immediate material situation requires that, like never before in my life, I practice what I preach; care for myself; work in my own self-interest; be “here-now-can;” “keep the focus on me;” live by the Serenity Prayer.  These are what I counsel any poor person to do.  These are what I most emphatically now must do myself.

This entails dis-attending to all the current social turmoil.

It entails turning a deaf ear and blind eye to many messages, insistent messages, particularly coming from those who claim to have the best interests of the poor (like me) at heart.

Continue reading Wolves in sheep’s clothing