Tag Archives: Conspiracy theories

“Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s ‘fans’ have turned on her. Experts aren’t surprised.”

I found this article tremendously enlightening …

… as to many things beside its ostensible subject.  The same principles as apply to Gypsy Rose Blanchard, apply as well to Donald Trump, Trumpers, Trumpism, Fake news, Virality, Conspiracy theories and Conspiracy theorists.  I hade never considered the role of neurotransmitters before.

A must-read.

Copied from here: https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/health-wellness/2024/02/01/gypsy-rose-blanchard-husband-mom-tiktok-viral/72424786007/

Continue reading “Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s ‘fans’ have turned on her. Experts aren’t surprised.”

“How municipalities in St. Louis County, Mo., profit from poverty”

“[T]he uprising in Ferguson was an inevitable reaction to the institutional racism coursing through the area for decades.” — Jack Kirkland

I’m homeless.  At this writing, I’ve been homeless for exactly 3½ years.

When you meet a homeless man for the first time, you won’t notice his skin color.  Not first.  You’ll notice the condition he’s in.  You’ll notice his clothes, his grooming, his conduct.  Skin color is so far down the list, it might as well be left off completely.

Some disagree. They seem to think race is the only factor in poverty.

Continue reading “How municipalities in St. Louis County, Mo., profit from poverty”

HRC the conspiracy theorist

Hillary Clinton says Tulsi Gabbard is a ‘Russian asset’ groomed to ensure Trump reelection

Why would she even say that?

This can only hurt the Democratic party.  It will raise suspicions that the contest’s rigged.  It will embolden Trump supporters.

In the last weeks before the 2008 Democratic national convention, HRC came out with some gaffes that may have cost her the nomination.  In 2016, her “deplorables” speech may have cost her the election.

Now this.

Even Eleanor Roosevelt said some things she deserved to regret.

Conspiracy theorists: America’s lost sheep?

Man who helped Sandy Hook kids is harassed by conspiracy theorists

Sooner or later, something like this will happen.

If someone were to call “The William Tell Show” proposing that the Sandy Hook shootings were a hoax perpetrated by the Obama administration as a pretext for seizing all Americans’ guns, and that Gene Rosen and the others were all “crisis actors;” I would be strongly tempted to dismiss the caller quickly and perhaps even hold up his or her beliefs to ridicule.

That would be exactly the wrong response.
Continue reading Conspiracy theorists: America’s lost sheep?


This guy’s been here for about three months, seems very well-ordered, diligent Bible student — turns out he’s a black supremacist.  Thinks the nation of Sudan is the tribe of Dan.  Was asking this guy last night, “Who built this country?”  Black folk never ask that question in the presence of white people. Continue reading Agenda