Tag Archives: The Homeless Blogger

Hannibal, Hancock and Hitler

I have chosen to keep the alliterative title for this post, though it proves mistaken.  Below appears an e-mail exchange of August 20, 2013 between Brian Williard, O.B.M., and myself.  In his original message, Brian copied, as he often did, the program summary of a segment on Coast to Coast, a nighttime radio talk show that often deals with UFOs and other strange subjects.  The “imminent blog post” referred to appears to be “The New Age is a lot of hooey.”

Leadership, Patton and Jesus
Through a glass, darkly

Brian wrote:

I don’t know if he promotes this idea, but some believe this guy is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce:

Continue reading Hannibal, Hancock and Hitler

“Through a glass, darkly”

In this poem, George S. Patton sets forth his impressions of his previous lives.

Leadership, Patton and Jesus
Hancock, Hannibal and Hitler

by Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

Through the travail of the ages,
Midst the pomp and toil of war,
Have I fought and strove and perished
Countless times upon this star.

Continue reading “Through a glass, darkly”

Victory is mine

In a blog post of July 19, 2014, I declared my ambition to become  the “Nemesis of the morning glories” in the garden out behind my church.  My plan was to spend four hours per week specifically weeding the morning glories in that garden.

On Monday, October 20, 2014, I wrote, “The morning glories are vanquished.  As of today, they are under control throughout the entire garden.”

Continue reading Victory is mine

Leadership, Patton and Jesus

From a 03/31/08 e-mail to my supervisor at the dollar store. This was a young man who had never had a paying job before, and thus certainly no experience in supervision; and I had a mind to give him some pointers on the nature of leadership. Previous conversations had already established that he regarded himself as a devout Christian.

If you’ve never seen it before, I’d urge you to see the movie Patton (link to Wikipedia).  Actually, I’d urge you to buy a copy (link to Amazon).

Luke 7:

2A centurion there had a slave whom he valued highly, and who was ill and close to death.  Continue reading Leadership, Patton and Jesus

Franklin Graham, Charlie Hebdo and the “heckler’s veto”

The  most recent terrorist threats we’ve seen have come not from Muslims overseas or Muslims in this country, but from Christians in this country.

On January 14, Duke University announced its plan to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer from the tower of its chapel every Friday.  Franklin Graham posted on Facebook, requesting that donors withhold donations to the university it reversed that decision.  A firestorm of controversy followed.

Continue reading Franklin Graham, Charlie Hebdo and the “heckler’s veto”

Doubts about Brown v. Board

In the January 13, 2015 Washington Post, Valerie Strauss calls attention to an obscure Supreme Court case that she says may have a greater impact on the educational achievement of black children than any other case since the 1954 Brown v. Board decision.

She republishes a lengthy analysis of the situation by Richard Rothstein.  She often republishes Richard Rothstein’s articles.  As usual, Rothstein has assembled a mountain of data in support of his position; however, unfortunately, a mountain of data matters little if one’s premises are wrong.

Continue reading Doubts about Brown v. Board

A place to begin

John 9:1-3:

1As he walked along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” 3Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned; he was born blind so that God’s works might be revealed in him.”

The disciples want to place blame. Their posture can be referred to as fault-finding, judgment and condemnation. Jesus calls attention to the opportunity to heal, to do good, to make a beginning.

Continue reading A place to begin

Counting my blessings

Here is a short list of things I can be grateful for.

A clean sheet every night*
A clean pillow case every night*
A blanket every night*
A pillow every night*
A hot shower every night
Clean clothes available every day
A good supper every night
Financial resources: At this time, anything I want, I can get.
(Anything I can’t get, I don’t want.)
Moral support from my family, my friends and my church.  A ton of people are pulling for me, hoping for my prosperity.
The best problems in the world. (See next Wednesday’s post.)

*(To my knowledge, no other shelter in Baltimore City provides these things. If you don’t bring your own, you sleep on a bare mat. A change in that situation is something to earnestly hope for.)

Originally posted Christmas Eve 2014.

Status report: A snapshot of my life right now

On Tuesday 12/02, my therapist asked for a thumbnail summary of my overall situation.

I said, “I have goals, I’m taking concrete steps toward those goals, and I have a ton of hope.”

I know no way to account for this but the exact scenario I set forth in “Chaos overwhelms the poor:” I pay attention only to the concrete here-and-how, and to what I myself can do.  (Related:  Here – Now – Can.)  From the farthest reach of my right fingertip to my right, to the farthest reach of my left fingertip to my left: within that range lies all my responsibility, everything that I can control.  Here, the world appears orderly.  Here, I can order and manage my affairs.  Here I have power.  I can act effectively.  I can easily find hope.

A ton of hope.
Continue reading Status report: A snapshot of my life right now